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Medusa maternal logo, pelvis and pelvic health, postpartum health

medusa pelvic health and wellbeing: medusa maternal

​ specialized maternal health occupational therapy provider, offering compassionate care in perinatal and postpartum wellbeing

in the comfort of your home


We created                              because we understand the critical importance of support during the 0-6 week postpartum period, before traditional medical follow-up. That’s why our mobile, in-home practice is designed to bridge the gap, offering essential care and guidance during this vulnerable time.

MEDUSA maternal

Medusa Maternal brings a unique array of services directly to your doorstep, creating a sacred space for you to heal, grow, and thrive. Our approach is individualized, compassionate, and ensures that every aspect is tailored to your unique needs and goals.

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we are what you need if:

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Whether you are a new mama, or a mama again, the journey might leave you feeling disconnected from yourself. As you get to know your baby, understanding your own needs, body, and aspirations can feel daunting.


It truly takes a village.

You crave convenience, connection, and community.

A support system for this period of

wild transformation and transition.

You deserve:

  • Judgement-free and trauma-informed care
    to empower you to thrive.

  • Weekly visits to help you track progress
    and adapt to changes in real time.

  • Compassionate focus on
    you and your needs.

Because amidst the tender moments with your little one, you’re also navigating the rawness of postpartum challenges


That's where we come in.

physically, emotionally, functionally

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We offer guidance on sleep hygiene, helping you reclaim calm nights, and we establish effective strategies for mind and body respite.


We provide education and support for functional early postpartum exercise, with the attention and care your changing body and outlook need.


We give focus to the family unit, the partnership, how to maximize space and time, how to set boundaries, and most of all, how to navigate personal and intimacy needs.


We support the feeding body, including myofascial and massage treatments. We focus on the mama/baby bonding, knowing that mama's comfort and autonomy are also key.

mental health

We provide screening, support, and a safe space for you to share your birth story. We help you find balance in the chaos. And if you need extra care, we offer referrals for trusted resources.

If you're ready to embrace the full spectrum of unique postpartum support not offered anywhere else, call us at Medusa Maternal. With our guidance, you don't have to just survive, you truly can thrive. And you can do it in the context and comfort of your home.

Initial Evaluation

Description This establishes you as a client. We will ask you to fiill out intake forms before the session, and during the evaluation, we will start with giving you time and space to share your story, symptoms, and concerns. We will then move on to the physical assessment of your posture, breathing, manual techniques for alignment, and if indicated, internal pelvic floor work depending on the individual. This session concludes by giving you a clear direction on what to work on at home, a plan of care to guide us collaboratively, and recommendations for functional integration into your daily life.

Duration ~90 minutes

Pricing $180 (+ tax)

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Description Where problem meets solution, and we collaborate to bring you toward feeling and doing better. Every session is a bit different from the next, but each supports progress and improvement. *Must follow an initial evaluation*

Duration ~60 minutes

Pricing $160 (+ tax)

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Labor of Love Bundle

Description Get ready for childbirth with practical tips. Learn how to handle surprises during labor. Strengthen your legs, back, and hips to ease third-trimester discomfort. 90% of women don’t know that they can prevent or minimize tearing with a few simple lifestyle and labor modifications. Make sure both you and your partner know what to do in the delivery room. Each session is personalized for you. You don't have to have pelvic floor issues to more optimally prepare for childbirth.

Duration Four 60-minute sessions + 30 minute zoom call postpartum (1-3 weeks after delivery)

Pricing $600 (+ tax)


Phenomama Postpartum Bundle

Description The birth registry gift you never knew you might need, that lasts longer than diapers or newborn onesies. Let us support you in those crucial, vulnerable, wonderful weeks after baby arrives, with practical strategies, skills, and exercises that can last you a lifetime. This is the greatest self-care and support you can get after baby, addressing your physical, mental, sensory, sexual, and functional health. Each session tracks a progressive plan, to get you living a life phenomenal. Perfect if you really want to get ahead of any pelvic floor issues, or if you have more complex concerns you want to address with more intensive, compassionate care after birth.

Duration One 90-minute evaluation + seven 60-minute treatment sessions

Pricing $1200 (+ tax)


*Mobile pricing differs from in-clinic to reflect costs associated with travel and supporting the convenience and comfort of care in your home.


i'm interested...what is the process to get started?


The first step is a free no-obligation consultation video or phone call, to talk about what challenges you might be facing, what Medusa can do, and how we can collaborate. The next step, is an evaluation in the comfort of your home where we will discuss your roles and routines, observe your breath and movement patterns, how you go about your day, and assess your functional mobility, posture, and any pain you are having. The third step, we work with you to determine the best course for achieving your goals, and provide a tailored treatment plan that can include movement and strengthening, hands-on bodywork, education, strategies for overwhelm and exhaustion, and home and routine organization and planning.

We believe that providing support in your home is fundamental to fostering a smooth transition into motherhood. By being right there in the heart of your daily life, we can offer personalized and practical guidance that is seamlessly integrated into your routines. This in-home approach ensures that our support is not just professional but also profoundly personal, making the journey into motherhood more comfortable, convenient, and connected.


My house is a mess... why do you do home visits?

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How do i need to prepare for the in-home visits?

You don't. You have so much on your plate already, that we start by normalizing appropriate expectations. It can take two years just to stabilize postpartum hormones and routine. No need to clean your house, or do the dishes or the laundry before we get there. We want to help you slow down and take care of YOU. We want to work with you in YOUR daily context, as this is the best way to organically apply or adapt the strategies and goals of your treatment plan.


What happens after my treatment plan ends?

We strive to empower you in such a way that after 6-8 weeks of weekly visits, you are feeling prepared to independently apply a lot of what you have accomplished and learned. But we also know that motherhood fluctuates, and progress is often not linear. If after your treatment plan has completed, you find you still want or need support, we have multiple options, including extending your in-home support, transitioning to appointments in our peaceful clinic in Nob Hill, or choosing virtual education and community with our motherhood support group.

"Becoming a mother leaves no woman as it found her. It unravels her and rebuilds her. It cracks her open, takes her to her edges. It is both beautiful and brutal; often at the same time."

Nikki McCahon | Matrescence Educator

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As I prepare to have my first baby, Nadya has guided me with a tremendous amount of care, patience, and knowledge to ensure I am well prepared for both birth and life postpartum. I have felt supported through a challenging pregnancy, with functional and mechanical adjustments and exercises to strengthen my body for birth. I truly cannot say enough wonderful things about her as a therapist and as a person. 
mama and baby

Holding Space in Motherhood

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